Prevent Cancer With Bean Sprouts

| Sunday, May 30, 2010 | 0 comments |
Consumption of seedlings derived from seeds that sprout around 3 cm in length in white is often recommended for people want to be "fertile" and want to quickly get a descent. In fact, sprouts have many benefits.
The mothers used to cook a stir-fry bean sprouts, whereas in the Chinese restaurant menu is often met with duck meat stir-fried bean sprouts. Eating habits of people in Bogor typical foods from the sprouts, the sprouts fried.According to scientific research conducted, vegetable sprouts of any type including green peas, soybeans, alfalfa, bean sprouts and other types, contain a lot of fitokimiawi efficacious compounds.One of them kanavanin (canavanine), the type of amino acid arginine materials were the most is stored in alfalfa sprouts. Kanavanin, according to some studies, capable of crippling the seeds of cancer leukemia, colon and pancreas.
If the isoflavones contained in soy phytoestrogens are compounds that resemble the hormone estrogen, bean sprouts also have a natural estrogen. Estrogen in the bean sprouts can significantly increase bone density and structure, and to prevent brittle bones (osteoporosis).Diligent eating sprouts help women avoid breast cancer, impending menstruation disorders (premenstrual syndrome / PMS), a burst of heat complaints (hot flashes), pramenopause, and disorders caused by menopause.
As the process became the 90 percent germinated seedlings olisakarida chain breaks down into simple carbohydrates, so that these compounds easily absorbed by the body, without producing gas. It can help you with a maslaah when eating nuts but require nutrients found on beans.
Researchers and botanists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture James The Dukes, Ph.D. says, soy bean sprouts rich in other anti-cancer compounds. Genistein more effectively work when cancer had begun to sprout seeds. At that genistein will work actively disrupt the supply of food for cancer cells, and eventually die.Sprouts also helps in bowel emptying dirt because it contains plenty of fiber and water. Occurred as a double strength bean sprouts in the fight against cancer. By pushing dirt immediately leave the large intestine, no more toxic substances in sewage that can be absorbed the body. It prevents stacking toxic substances, which can stimulate the blossoming seed of cancer.
Research proves that sprouts have many benefits such as preventing osteoporosis, cancer prevention, digestion, and reduce symptoms of menopause.

Tattoos and Piercings is Dangers

| Friday, May 28, 2010 | 0 comments |
If you are lover of tattoos or body piercing, it's time to bite your finger. Section, a tattoo or body piercing turned out to have dangers that make you think twice to do it. What article?
Based on the news from The Sun, a woman in Caerphilly recently died of blood poisoning two days after her tongue pierced.
Despite horror stories like this are uncovered, but the data of public figures who do "body art" in the U.S. are still rising. Evidently, for 14 percent of public figures in America pierced their bodies and almost a quarter have a tattoo.
Celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox included. And the number of tattoo and piercing parlor in the streets showed that the number continues to rise.
So, what about the medical hazards? There's a lot. In a survey conducted in England, as much as 95 percent of doctors have seen the complication of perforation.
Everyone knows about the risks of hepatitis B and C, and possibly even HIV from syringes. However, what risks are associated with body art.
Indeed, tattoos and piercings usually associated with people who were undergoing imprisonment with a broken tooth and various risk-taking activities such as drug and alcohol abuse-related HIV and hepatitis risk. However, times have changed. Now, it has been regarded as a body of art that is very common to both men and women.
Even so, you must know the risks when it has a variety of body art. Infections, for example, is one risk that must be prepared. Because, reported the spread of tetanus and other toxic substances after "drilling" piercing through the action can be life threatening.
Tiny germs that are on the needle, can spread throughout the body and cause life-threatening infections. Even if you avoid germs, the newest body art made of metal or paint can still bring disaster.
Swelling and bleeding is common case that experienced after piercing or tattoo. Piercing can take some time for the curing. In addition, piercings and tattoos may cause allergic reactions such as redness, itching, and disappointment in the form of hope that he can spend money on something more relevant.
Some sites tend to be the trigger many people interested in piercings or tattoos. In fact, piercings in the ears can be played until the cartilage, on nipple piercings also can infect an implant, whereas in tongue piercings can damage teeth.
Meanwhile genitals, do not ever try to work on with putting mengutak tattoos or piercings. Because literally, there is genital blood vessels, nerves, and urethra, in which all members of the body is a very high risk when pierced.

Heart Healthy Tips

| Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | 0 comments |
Powerful way of healthy food choices in order to maintain heart health independently Many things that cause us to potentially affected by coronary heart disease among them because of job stress, irregular exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol to eating patterns that are not true.
This book exists to motivate us to live a healthy run independently by adjusting the diet a more healthy and balanced. By eating a variety of nutritious food to maintain cardiovascular health.
This book contains tips for running a more friendly way of life for the heart:- Recognize and alert to the symptoms and risk factors for coronary heart disease causes- Watching out for trans fats and smart choose healthy fats- Selecting rice, corn, bean more diverse- Eating soy, potatoes and beans more wisely- Glancing oats, strawberries, coconut, rice bran as a food healthy- Increase consumption of apples, grapefruit is rich in fiber Remember that prevention is better than cure!

25 Tips a Healthy Pregnancy

| Thursday, May 20, 2010 | 0 comments |
To maintain the pregnancy so that babies who are in the womb tetapsehat. This is beginning to have a healthy child. And during this pregnancy to determine growth and development is very little later.
1. Control regularly to the doctor for prenatal care. Month-bulanterakhir pregnancy, the control should be done more often. If you have a complaint or have any concerns on pregnancy you experienced, periksakanlah to the doctor, although this is not the time you have control again.
2. Avoid materials or chemical substances that cause toxicity, such as insecticides, paints, materials that contain mercury (airraksa) or black lead.
Three. Stop smoking if you smoke or not to become passive smokers, because you often inhale the cigarette smoke from people around him, for example from your husband. Cigarette smoke will make your baby is born with less weight, the death of the child in the womb or the child to fall ill or slow in learning something later, can also cause you to have a miscarriage.
4. Drink more, especially water. The incoming fluid is useful to help increase blood volume that occur during pregnancy. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day, can be a fruit juice, milk, water or plain white. An easy way to see the adequacy of fluid in the body is to see the color of urine. When the urine, clear as water or only slightly yellow, it indicates that you consume enough fluids.
5. Consumption of nutritious food to meet nutritional adequacy for both mother and baby in the womb. Foods must meet five main food groups: cooked rice or other carbohydrate sources, meat and other proteins, vegetables, fruit and milk. Reduce fatty foods and fibrous foods multiply
6. Vitamins Folic Acid 400 micrograms per day, before the first pregnancy until a few months of pregnancy. This is useful for preventing neural tube defects and spine on this little one. Folic acid is also important from foods containing Folic Acid as in cereals, brown rice, oranges, greens, beans, broccoli, and others.
7th. Consumption is also an addition to the blood tablets, ie tablets that contain as many as 30 milligrams of iron daily during pregnancy, or as recommended by your doctor. Iron is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy, which could lead to risk for the occurrence of bleeding during persalinan.Sebenarnya all women of fertile age, should consume foods containing much iron.
8. Wash hands frequently, especially after handling raw meat during cooking or after using the restroom. Because with hand washing will prevent the spread of germs and viruses that can be caused disease.
9. Recognize the situation yourself. If there are signs or symptoms that do not usually like pain, vaginal bleeding, merembesnya amniotic fluid, dizziness, fainting, become short of breath, trembling, pulse becomes faster, keep nausea and vomiting, swelling in the joints, do not feel fetal movements, and symptoms or signs Other, please consult with your doctor.
10. Be careful in consuming drugs including traditional medicines. Including alcohol and caffeine. That there is caffeine in tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate have also limited.
11. Drugs are often taken before pregnancy, such as medicines for hypertension, epilepsy, asthma or diabetes, should consult with your doctor again. Whether changes or adjustments need to be done with your pregnancy? Are these drugs safe to use in pregnancy?
12. Drugs that are sold freely as to cope with flu and cough, may be harmful to the fetus in the womb. Therefore, consult your doctor before you drink.
13. Do not be shy or afraid to ask your doctor. Since this involves the fetus and the mother of his own health. We better be careful and ask all kekhawatirkan we feel.
14. Participate in a class for pregnant women such as pregnancy exercise class. In addition to be able to take advantage of these classes, candidates are also mothers can share their experience and gain knowledge with fellow candidates of other mothers.
15. Keep activity because it will be good for the mother or the prospective baby. Sports are generally safe for pregnant women such as walking, exercising, riding a stationary bike. But remember to always consult your physician before starting.
16. Eat small portions but frequently, about 5-6 times per day. This is much better than eating three large portions in a day. A diet with smaller portions more frequently, can reduce the nausea-vomiting in the morning and gastric pain. Avoid foods that can make the stomach pain, even though you like it. Replace it with a more nutritious foods.
17. Avoid bathing or soaking in hot water when pregnant. Because of the high heat that may be harmful to pregnancy.
18. Plan and create a safe home environment for your child later. This is to prevent dangers that are not desired.
19. Avoid uncooked meat is cooked or undercooked, wash hands after handling pets or gardening. This is to prevent infected with Toxoplasma parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, which can harm the fetus in the womb.
20. Since the size of a growing uterus, along with the inefficiency of renal function due to pregnancy, can cause the mother to urinate more often. Can also occur out of urine when sneezing, coughing or laughter. This is due to uterine pressure on the bladder, which frequently occurs in the first months of pregnancy. If urination accompanied by burning sensations, pain, and more often, periksakanlah to the doctor.
21. Excessive weight or less during pregnancy may cause problems for the little one still in the womb. Do not go on a diet during pregnancy to reduce the excess weight before consulting your doctor.
22. Vaccination during pregnancy. Ask your doctor about this, when vaccination should be given.
23. Avoid the X-ray examinations (X-ray). Explain to your doctor if you are pregnant when the doctor asks you to do the examination.
24. Provide a healthy environment for your baby in the womb. And when his baby was born, and grew larger, it could still give him guidance and love. Health and safety in the environment, should always be considered.
25. Rest enough. At rest should lay aside, especially to the left side of your doctor's advice when appropriate. This position will provide the best blood circulation to the fetus and can reduce swelling in the legs.

Good Solution For Asthma Patients: Sun

| Tuesday, May 18, 2010 | 0 comments |
Sun Rays are incredible blessing. Lack of sunshine vitamin may improve asthma caused by air pollution, according to warnings issued by the experts through a recent large study.Thousands of kids in London took part of the study is to ascertain whether Vitamin D deficiency will aggravate the effects of related pollution causes asthma.
The study found that vitamin D is made by the body through the help of sunlight and through food-small portions of very vital for the development of healthy lungs good against fetus while infancy and childhood.
Air pollution is particularly high in London compared to elsewhere in the UK is one of the city with the highest pollution levels in Europe. Pollution can trigger asthma and improve the symptoms of the patients who already have it.
Now scientists in London studied more deeply to the children's East End, where 18 were diagnosed to have asthma to measure vitamin D levels and pollutants in their bodies. The proceeds would be compared with data from earlier studies, before the Low Emissions Zone was introduced to the wider public, aims to uncover whether the policy was effectively improve respiratory health in the capital of England.
Exploration of the research program named for Lung Health and the Environment (Exhale) was conducted by a joint team from the Center for Biomedical Research, Center for Medical Research Agency Asthma, Barts England, and the Faculty of Medical and Dentis London School Professor Chris Griffiths from Barts, said: "We focus on children because the damage occurred in their lungs from air pollution almost certainly settle and cause lung problems in their lifetime. Even the death of a young age may occur, "With children researching respiratory and lung inflammation during the years and gather general information, Chris believed, the team will be able to find the link between health problems, and exposure to pollution and the role of genetics in patients

All About Mushrooms Tlethong

| Saturday, May 15, 2010 | 0 comments |
Mold is not the usual type of fungi that we eat, but a fungus that can cause hallucinations. Most of hallucinogenic mushrooms Psilocybin classified in the genus. Based on etymology, psilocybin derived from Greek, meaning psilo bald, and cybe which means head. The naming was made by a variety of Mushroom varieties which belong to the genus psilocybe have one thing in common on the shape of his head.
History. In ancient times, this fungus is used as a source of inspiration in the prehistoric rock art in North Africa. Some rock paintings have been identified by Giorgio mesolitik Samorini as a manifestation of divinity or rituals (shamans) from the use of the Mushroom. Of hallucinogenic psilocybin Mushroom species also has long been used by indigenous people in attendance Mesoamerican religion, ritual, divination, and healing of pre-Columbia period until today.
Today, the Mushroom is often misused, especially by young people with non-medical purposes in order to change the mood (mood), or change the perception of self and the world around, get the sensation and experience, Äúbaru, AU and, Äúromantis, AU and also to enhance the ability specific functions in the social and sexual.
MUSHROOM can usually be eaten or feasible consumption although there are some that are poisonous. Well if this fungus is one well worthy of consumption or toxic? Those who would like to travel to the coast, must ngeh deh this one with mushrooms.
Magic Mushroom can be grown in any climate, in the mountains or on the beach. Where he grew up may be very repulsive to most people, in cow dung or buffalo droppings. However, it does not make a place to grow mushrooms is losing fans.
Magic Mushroom Enthusiasts will appoint usually Pangandaran beach as a place of magic mushrooms the best because there was a wild bull. Reportedly, a fungus that grows in dirt bull has a more powerful effect than the fungus that grows on cow manure farm.
Mushrooms cooked the way it used to be made in advance or juice. Magic Mushroom enthusiasts usually prefer to mix the mushrooms with eggs, and then be cooked into an omelet or scrambled eggs.
And some prefer to mix into noodles or made into juice. However, there is a more extreme of eating raw mushrooms were picked from shortly after manure.
Shortly after eating the mushroom, people will start to hallucinate, experience euphoria (an exaggerated happy), or otherwise experiencing excessive pain. Taste, especially the skin and tongue will become more sensitive. When the influence of mushrooms, or individual users become more preoccupied with his own world.
The overall effect will be felt for mushroom four to eight hours. While hallucinating, users are still conscious. The problem, he will be difficult to control the mind and imagination. After the mushroom effect runs out, users will feel very tired.
In Indonesia, information on the impact that can be generated by the Magic Mushroom for health is still very minimal. Despite the fact the United Nations (UN) through the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has issued a study on the Magic Mushroom's.
According to the study of the INCB, Magic Mushroom is not included in the objects or narcotic substances under the control of the Convention on Psychotropic Drugs in 1971. The UN Convention has been ratified by many countries to be used as a legal basis in the repression against drug sellers.
Noted, the effects felt by the user as to the effect when using psychotropic drugs like LSD because it has the same chemical constituents, namely psilocin and psilocybin. However, the chemical content in the body will quickly disappear and will only be detected within three days to a week.
Because the impact is considered low, Magic Mushroom declared legal in Europe. However, the United Kingdom and the United States declared illegal Magic Mushroom as an object if it has been processed into other goods.
In Indonesia, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has a different opinion to the opinion of the INCB and the European Union's health commission. In contrast to the INCB which classifies the Magic Mushroom into objects or psychotropic substances, in Indonesia, the Magic Mushroom classified into addictive substances.
This difference is crucial because the classification of dangerous objects are basically adapted to the effect. Magic Mushroom BNN grouping together with alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs that cause addiction. In other words, the fungus was seen as goods that can be addictive. In fact, based on analysis of the INCB, Magic Mushroom hardly likely to cause addiction.
Oh so confused ya, yah become legally or illegally? Instead of mending hindarin aja deh confused, anyways tetep have no effect psikotropikanya kok. Certainly good for baseball body.Side effectsNational Institute of Health and Safety, a branch of the Disease Control Center (CDC), judging that the psilocybin less toxic than aspirin and caffeine. Psilocybin also does not lead to addiction because they are not categorized as psychoactive, but psychedelic. Mushroom intoxication effects of which contain psilocybin lasts between two to seven hours depending on usage dosage, method of use, and individual metabolism.
Typically, onset of the Magic Mushroom in the body ranges from 10-40 minutes when chewed and left in the mouth until dissolved, and ranged from 20-60 minutes when ingested in a state of an empty stomach. While the body will return to normal after 6-8 hours.
Some typical effects of the Magic Mushroom:Visual distortion, as if the walls breathe and there was movement on a quiet pattern (particularly the pattern of lines, complex, and geometric). Trees and the universe looks like the flames out or whirlpool.Smiles and laughter can not be controlledTerurainya distant objects into its constituent linesSensitivity is increased when touched (especially touching objects with interesting texture and attention has camphor or overlays)Increased sensitivity to taste, feel the texture and temperature in the mouthHearing becomes more sensitive (such as listening to new music first heard it)Auditory hallucinations (hearing sounds as though with a high pitch in the background, metallic sound that echoed like being in metallic tunnel, or the sound of fracture)Feelings of bright light around the extremeLooks visualization during closed eyesSuppressed feelings like a very strong kinetic styleTalking is not necessarily the direction, difficulty in focusing to explain a thing
More easily, it can be said that the use of Mushroom has some effects that tend to be positive ie deep thinking, creative and philosophical ideas to flow easily, the things or boring tasks more fun and funny; feelings of inspiration, spiritual experience that transforms lives ; and deep curiosity.
About the distortion, in addition to the distortion of space, Mushroom magic users will also experience changes perception of time. Time was passed with a very slow, the minutes seemed like an hour. So that disruption to users Mushroom covers an area of four dimensions, length times width times height times the time, or more simply the dimensions of space and time.Important!Do not ever try without informed consent, meaning if you want to try, you should know the basic knowledge, for what, and how the risk. You must be in full conscious state to make decisionsDo not ever try Magic Mushroom alone, because it can cause paranoia. Magic Mushroom will remove everything on your heart. If another burst of euphoria happy. When another flood of depression and sadness sad. You might see your own face in the mirror like a demon or even the most severe you can perform a suicide attempt. So be careful!Be responsible for what you, have customers done

Change the Microbes Within the Body Become Profitable

| Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 0 comments |
Modern medicine relies on many drugs to cure diseases and fight the microbes that cause disease. When in fact it is a toxic drug that not only destroy harmful microbes, but also destroy beneficial microbes, especially microbes / bacteria which are present in the intestine. Thus, drugs tend to damage the intestine, so that the edges are damaging the health of our bodies. However, poor eating habits can also lower the intestinal condition.
Intestinal conditions conducive to microbial growth that benefits can be achieved through methods Biozim Shinya. Shinya Biozim method encourages activating the body's cells so it can rejuvenate yourself and remove body waste. Our bodies will always fit, far from the disease, always energetic, and longevity. We are also free of depression, tension, or hyperactivity.
Biozim Shinya:+ 85% + 15% plant foods of animal food.+ Fasting small, because fasting can rejuvenate the body.+ Focusing on raw foods (vegetables and fruit not cooked) because still contain many enzymes.+ Do not eat cow's milk and dairy products because dairy cows can reduce the reproductive capacity of men and women and cause osteoporosis.+ Drinking water in sufficient quantities.+ Eating fermented food because digestive bacteria and helping beneficial.
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