Mahabharata: The history of Kurukshetra War

| Tuesday, July 20, 2010 | |
Yuddha Kurukshetra, which is an important part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, motivated power struggle between the five sons of Pandu (Pandavas) with one hundred sons of Dhritarashtra (Kauravas). Plain of Kurukshetra which became the location of this battle can still be visited and witnessed to date. Kurukshetra is situated in the state of Haryana, India.
The battle is not known exactly when it happened, so that happens sometimes called the "Era of Mythology". Some relics of the debris in Kurukshetra (such as the fort), suspected as the archaeological evidence. According to the book Bhagawadgita, the war in Kurukshetra occurred 3,000 years before the year AD (5000 years ago) and it became famous reference.
Although the battle was a dispute between two families in one dynasty, but also involve various kingdoms in mainland India in the past. The fighting occurred during the 18 days, and millions of soldiers from both sides died. The war resulted in many women who become widowed and many children became orphans.
This war also resulted in the crisis in mainland India and is the gateway to the time of Kali Yuga, the time of the destruction by Hindu beliefs.


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